Throughout the year, you will have opportunities to talk with your child’s teacher about their learning. Please contact your child's teacher or a member of the learning support team at any stage throughout the year if you would like to discuss anything outside of these times.
Ngā Uiuitanga
Formal school interviews allow you to meet with your child's teacher one to one. You will be advised of these closer to the time. Our school interviews are booked through school interviews. We strongly encourage you to attend these as they provide invaluable information and planning time so we can support your child in their ongoing learning.
Hui Whānau
Prior to school starting, your whānau are invited to meet the teacher. This is a chance to pop into the classroom, meet various staff, drop off equipment and find out about the classroom programme and routines. Our 'Meet the Teacher' morning is beneficial to minimise any anxieties your whānau may have - we appreciate coming to a new school may be unsettling for some.
Pūrongo Ā Tuhi
Written reports will be provided twice yearly. These will include information from across the curriculum.