Students are required to wear full school uniforms to and from school, and jackets must be the regulation school jackets.


Students can wear EITHER plain black shoes and plain black socks or plain black sandals.  Any black socks are fine - they do not have to be from the uniform shop.  They must be plain with no labels or emblems.  Black stockings are also permitted. 

Winter shoes must be plain black lace-up shoes. We allow leather pull-on shoes (see photo provided) but not canvas pull-up shoes. Students are permitted to wear leather-looking black sports shoes, provided they are completely black. They cannot have any other colour, including the sole. 

Sandals must be plain leather, without decorations, and must not extend over the ankle or leg.  They must also have a heel strap. No form of jandals or scuffs is acceptable. Sandals are not to be worn with socks.

For technology classes, children require shoes that cover their entire feet. On technology days, children can bring sneakers to change into.  


For safety reasons, we would like to ask that jewellery of cultural significance be worn under the school shirts.  Long hair must be tied up.  Children can wear a single pair of plain, small studs or small circular sleepers in the lower ear lobe. No other piercings are permitted - this includes but is not limited to, upper ear piercings, nose rings, tongue rings, and belly rings. 

At Feilding Intermediate, students are expected to adhere to the following additional uniform expectations:

We have nail polish and make-up remover in the office for students who must meet our uniform expectations.