Our students experience a broad and rich curriculum designed to engage and extend adolescent learners. In addition to an explicit literacy and mathematics programme, teachers deliver targeted programmes in science, digital technology, health and physical education, the arts, social sciences, languages and careers education. Specialist teachers, in our purpose-built technology suite, also deliver authentic learning opportunities in hard materials (wood technology), soft materials (fabric), digital technologies, science and food technology.
Te Reo Matatini
At Feilding Intermediate, all students participate in reading, and writing for an hour a day. All students engage in a comprehensive programme which involves explicit teaching and a range of follow up activities to consolidate new learning. Our aim is for ākonga to develop more complex communication skills in preparation for their further learning.
Students have a broad and rich mathematics programme for an hour each day. The focus is on developing and applying a deeper understanding across all areas of mathematics, including number, algebra, statistics, measurement and geometry. Students are encouraged to explore and think mathematically about mathematics and how it applies to the real world in engaging contexts.
Feilding Intermediate has a specialist technology team that offers students practical knowledge and skills as they develop models, products, digital media and systems across a range of contexts. Graphics and other forms of visual representation offer important tools for exploration and communication. Adaptation and innovation are at the heart of technological practice.
BYOD - Rawa Matihiko
All students are encouraged to bring a personal Chromebook to school, which is stored securely in classrooms. Although BYOD is not compulsory, there are advantages to students having their own devices. At Feilding Intermediate, you will see a balance of work completed on devices and in books.
Note: Students without devices will be able to use shared class Chromebooks.